Side-meetings and pre-conference events

Several side-meetings and pre-conference events take place on Wednesday 29 June. All side-meetings take place in the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen, Grote Kruisstraat 2/1. You can find the building and room number in the overview below.  Many of these events are open to the public (with or without registration beforehand); others are for invitees only.

Please note that side-meetings and pre-conference events are separate from the European Population Conference. You do not need to be a conference participant to attend a side-meeting. At the same time, registration for a side-meeting does not give you access to the conference or to another side-meeting.

If you would also like to organise a side-meeting, please send your request to and we can see what is possible.

Wednesday 29 June


9.00-12.45 - Workshop “Using bibliometric data in demographic research

9.00-12.45 - Masterclass “Families, Child Development and Well-being

10.00-12.00 - Meeting EDSD-CED


13.00-15.30 - PhD network event

13.00-17.00 - Seminar “An end to rural population decline?”

12.00-17.00 - Side-meeting Future Longevity Inequalities project

14.00-17.00 - Side-meeting FamilyTies project

15.00-17.00 - Side-meeting EAPS Working Group on Migrant and Minority Fertility