Hybrid EPC 2022
EPC 2022 will be the first hybrid EPC conference ever and comes with all related challenges. Please be assured that we do our utmost to organize the conference in the best possible way for all involved.
Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, EPC 2022 will be a hybrid conference with partial onsite participation. The number of onsite participants at the Groningen venue however is unfortunately limited. We therefore regret that we had to decide that all poster sessions will be organised online at an interactive platform (more information will be shared in due course).
We are very much aware that many of you had hoped to join the meeting in person and that this may turn out not to be possible. We are doing our utmost to accommodate as many people as possible onsite. For the moment this includes all presenting authors in regular and flash sessions, as well as session chairs. Some of these colleagues may however, for different reasons, not be able to attend in person, thus leaving free spots for onsite participation. This will become clear after the registration deadline of 15 April when all authors of accepted papers and posters should have registered for the conference to secure their place on the program.
At the registration website you will see that those who are currently in a poster session as a presenting author can indicate if they are interested in onsite participation in case this option occurs. Any available onsite participation spots will be allocated by lottery among interested presenting poster authors. Note that also in this case their poster presentation will still take place online.
The EPC 2022 organizers share the widespread concern of EAPS members that, after several years of pandemic, in person participation is especially important for early career scholars. They have been included in regular sessions as much as possible. In addition, PhD students who have been accepted as presenting author in a poster session will be prioritized in the allocation of onsite places.
The EPC 2022 Registration website will open soon. Presenting authors in regular and flash sessions should use the onsite registration fee if they wish to attend the conference in Groningen. If they wish to participate online they should use the online registration fee. Presenting authors of posters should use the online registration fee in the first instance. In case there will be available places for in person participation after 15 April, poster authors will be notified as soon as possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience and hope for your understanding. Looking forward to your participation in EPC 2022!
The EPC 2022 Organizing Team
UPDATE (9 May 2022)
We are very happy to announce that some places are still available to join the European Population Conference 2022 in person! Poster presenters who indicated in the registration form that they were interested to join EPC in Groningen have had the opportunity to do so.
The remaining tickets will be distributed on a “first come, first served” basis among EAPS members. So if you have not yet registered as an onsite participant and wish to join the conference venue in Groningen in person, you will have to be quick. Please contact us as soon as possible at epc2022@nidi.nl to take care of your registration. This applies both to those who are not presenting authors and those who would like to change their Online Presentation Registration into an Onsite Registration (note that all poster presentations will still be online also for those who join the conference in person).
Registration for Online Attendees Only is also still possible. Send an email to epc2022@nidi.nl and you’ll receive instructions on how to register for this.