Student Travel Grants

The Council of EAPS sponsors a limited number of Student Travel Grants to help cover the costs of participation in EPC 2024. The grant is Euro 500 and includes waiving of the EPC 2024 registration fee. For students who are not yet a member of EAPS, a complimentary membership will be part of the grant.
The grants are meant for students who are living/working in a low or middle income country, and who have an accepted presentation (paper or poster) on the EPC 2024 program.
Applications should include:
A short cover letter with a CV, including information on conferences where you participated in the past.
Proof of your student status/ your registration as student.
A supporting letter of your supervisor stating why participation in EPC 2024 is very important for you.
A letter from your head of department/administrator stating that no other funds are available for you.
World Bank data will be used to determine if your country qualifies as low or middle income ( Income Countries (combining the low and lower middle WB categories) and Middle Income Countries (the upper middle WB category).
Applications should be sent to by 15 February 2024 at the latest and will be judged by the EAPS Council.