EPC 1987
The European Population Conference 1987: Issues and Prospects (EPC 1987) convened in Jyväskylä, Finland from 11-16 June 1987. EPC 1987 was the first European Population Conference of EAPS.
EPC 1987 was jointly organized by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS) and a Finnish Consortium (Finnco) consisting of the Finnish Demographic Society, the Finnish Population and Family Welfare Federation Väestöliitto and its Population Research Institute, and the Central Statistical Office of Finland.
The EPC 1987 Organizing Committee consisted of Altti Majava (FINNCO, chair), William Brass (IUSSP, vice-chair), Dirk J. Van de Kaa (EAPS, vice-chair) and Aimo Pulkkinen (FINNCO, vice-chair) and members Charlotte Höhn (EAPS), Milos Macura (EAPS), Goran Strengell (FINNCO), Aarno Strommer (FINNCO) and Georges Tapinos (IUSSP). Bruno Remiche (IUSSP) was Conference Secretary and Nico van Nimwegen (EAPS) was assistant-secretary.
The Programme Advisory Committee of EPC 1987 included the members of the Organizing Committee as well as Eva Bernhard (Sweden), Gerard Calot (France), Stale Dyrvik (Norway), Viviana Egidi (Italy), Andras Klinger (Hungary)and Zdenek Pavlik (Czechoslovakia).
Scientific Program
The conference was structured around 7 Plenaries and 25 Parallel sessions. EPC 1987 was attended by some 150 participants.
- Population prospects: Milos Macura, Janez Malacic
- Fertility: diversity or convergence: Patrick Festy, Chantal Blayo
- The future of the family: Hans-Joachim Hoffmann-Nowotny
- Inequalities in the face of death: Tapani Valkonen
- Population movements and planning: Antonio Golini
- Demographic change, economic growth and social welfare: Heather Joshi, John Ermisch
- Policy response and effects: Andras Klinger
- Societal values and population policies
- The demography of minorities
- The changing marriage system’s effects on fertility and children
- Social and geographical contrasts in major chronic diseases
- Population forecasting and planning
- Changing patterns of household structures
- Family policy and population change
- The correlates of the regional fertility transition
- Fertility fluctuations in conception and births
- Utilization of data sources for new analytical demands
- The demographic implications of highly effective birth control methods
- Pre-natal and infant mortality
- Economic activity and fertility
- Social and economic consequences of ageing populations
- International migration and regional development
- Urban historical demography
- The 1990 round of censuses
- The dynamics of labour force participation
- The family support of the elderly
- Migration of the elderly
- International labour migration
- Long term fluctuations in demography
- Early contributions to demography
- Population and technology
- Economic demographic models