Outreach Award for Communication in Population Science

This Award honours outstanding efforts of researchers to share the scope, relevance and outcomes of population studies/demography with audiences within and outside academia. Emphasizing that these efforts are serving the public good, the EAPS Outreach Award celebrates public engagement with population research.
The EAPS Outreach Award aims to encourage researchers to better communicate population research. We value innovative approaches to communication which include, but are not restricted to, new ways of data visualization.
Nominations for this Award can be made until two months before the start of a European Population Conference. The next deadline is 1 April 2026!
Rules of Play
- Candidates are individual scholars who are member of EAPS at the time of their nomination.
- Candidates may nominate themselves for this award; self-nominations should be supported by at least 3 members of EAPS residing in at least 2 different countries.
- Candidates may also be nominated by a peer and supported by at least 3 members of EAPS residing in at least two different countries.
- The Jury may invite nominations as well.
- Nominations should include a short (maximum one page) explanatory statement about the communication achievements and a curriculum vitae of the candidate.
- Nominations should be sent to EAPS and will be treated as confidential.
- The Council of EAPS appoints an independent Jury of peers for this Award.
- The Jury consists of at least three members, one of whom will act as Chair.
- The Jury is free to organize its work as it deems appropriate and follows generally accepted scientific principles and criteria.
- Jury proceedings are confidential. The Jury submits a written report to the EAPS Council indicating the successful laureate and the motivation of the Jury.
- The EAPS Outreach Award brings a Euro 1000 cash benefit and a certificate.
Daniela Vono de Vilhena, Population Europe, Germany
Liili Abuladze, Tallinn University, Estonia
Tim Riffe & Ilya Kashnitsky, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research MPIDR, Germany