Outreach Award for Communication in Population Science

EAPS attaches great importance to science communication. We highly value all efforts of researchers to share the scope, relevance and outcomes of population studies/demography with audiences within and outside academia. Emphasizing that these efforts are serving the public good, the EAPS Outreach Award celebrates public engagement with population research.

The EAPS Outreach Award aims to encourage researchers to better communicate population research. We value innovative approaches to communication which include, but are not restricted to, new ways of data visualization.

Nominations for this Award can be made until two months before the start of a European Population Conference. 

Rules of Play



Daniela Vono de Vilhena, Population Europe, Germany


Liili Abuladze, Tallinn University, Estonia


Tim Riffe & Ilya Kashnitsky, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research MPIDR, Germany