EAPS Award for Population Studies

This Award honors groundbreaking original contributions to the study of population with far reaching implications for our discipline and our understanding of population dynamics and their consequences. Unique innovative insights such as expressed in a single or several publications, as well as work which spans a longer period can be nominated for the EAPS Award for Population Studies, as can exceptional life time achievements.
Nominations for this Award can be made until two months before the start of a European Population Conference. The next deadline 1 April 2026!
Rules of Play
- There are no specific age, career or other criteria for nominees but candidates should be member of EAPS at the time of their nomination.
- Candidates should be nominated by a peer and supported by at least 3 members of EAPS residing in at least 2 different countries.
- The Jury may also invite nominations.
- Nominations should include a short (maximum one page) explanatory statement by the nominator and a curriculum vitae of the candidate.
- Nominations should be sent to EAPS and will be treated as confidential.
- The Award is presented at each European Population Conference which is organized every two years.
- The Council of EAPS is the Jury for the EAPS Award for Population Studies.
- The EAPS Award for Population Studies brings a Euro 1000 cash benefit and a certificate.

France Meslé, Institut national d'études démographiques (Ined)
Dirk J. van de Kaa, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW)
Elizabeth Thomson, Stockholm University/University of Madison-Wisconsin
James W. Vaupel, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Wolfgang Lutz, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital
Frans J. Willekens, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW)