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About EDSD

The European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) is the flagship training program of the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS). The program was initiated by EAPS and operates under EAPS' auspices.

EDSD is an eleven-month, sponsored program that is offered every year aiming to provide students with an appropriate high-level education in demography to pursue their doctoral studies. Students will acquire a solid knowledge base on the causes and consequences of demographic change, population data, statistical and mathematical demography, as well as modeling, simulation and forecasting. Many of the school’s courses concentrate on strengthening the quantitative and programming skills of the students. The language of the school is English and each cohort usually consists of 12 to 20 students.

Current location of the school

Over the years, EDSD has been held at several universities and research institutes. In the 2024/25 academic year, the School will be held at two different locations. The preparatory courses (from early September to late October 2024) will be offered at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany. The core courses (from November 2024 until end of July 2025) will be held at the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) at Campus Condorcet, in Aubervilliers, Paris, France. Students have to organize their own accommodation but can be advised by the EDSD staff.

EDSD is not an online programme, and students are expected to participate in person.

How to apply

Full fellowships

EDSD does not charge fees! Several European research institutes and universities provide full fellowships for all students accepted to the program. Each student is matched with one of the Institutions within the EDSD network and receives a monthly stipend, plus travel grants. Students are matched with an institution by EDSD and do not have to find their own supporting institute. Upon acceptance to the program, all students will be notified about, and put in contact with, their supporting institutes. Additionally, applicants can be also admitted if they offer their own funding. Our participant Institutions are Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics, Centre for Demographic Studies, French Institute of Demographic Studies, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, University of Rome, Sapienza, Lund University, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Vienna Institute of Demography, Warsaw School of Economics, University of Groningen, University of Rostock, Tallinn University, Stockholm University, University of Southampton, Catholic University of Louvain, London School of Economics.

Master’s Degree in Demography

Successful completion of the School results in a European Research Certificate of Demography provided under the auspices of the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS).

Upon successful completion of the program and presentation of a thesis, the students enrolled in the EDSD will receive an official European Master in Demography delivered by the University of Barcelona.

Preparatory courses in Rostock

The courses in Rostock consist of (1) Measures and Models in Demography, (2) Basic Mathematics for Demographers, (3) Basic Statistics for Demographers, and (4) Computer Programming for Demographers.

The aim of the preparatory courses is to prepare the students for the core courses at INED in Paris. More information about these preparatory courses can be found here

Core courses in Paris

The program at INED consists of seven courses on (1) Population Data Science, (2) Demographic Theories, (3) Statistical Demography, (4) Population Challenges, (5) Formal Demography and (6) Simulation and Forecasting, (7) Thesis courses. In addition, computer, graphic, presentation, and writing skills are taught. Students devote 20% of their time to thesis research. Students will be also offered the opportunity to attend research seminars and French classes.

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